FBI had multiple informants infiltrate Standing Rock during DAPL protests, new records show

Alleen Brown, who broke multiple stories about the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) resistance at Standing Rock, is at it again. According to an article in Grist:

Up to 10 informants managed by the FBI were embedded in anti-pipeline resistance camps near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation at the height of mass protests against the Dakota Access pipeline in 2016. The new details about federal law enforcement surveillance of an Indigenous environmental movement were released as part of a legal fight between North Dakota and the federal government over who should pay for policing the pipeline fight. Until now, the existence of only one other federal informant in the camps had been confirmed. 

Alleen Brown

This was on top of the counterinsurgeny tactics deployed by TigerSwan, the private security firm hired by Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) to undermine the Indigenous-led resistance to the pipeline. A 2017 article by Brown in The Intercept described TigerSwan as “a shadowy and mercenary security firm …. which originated as a U.S. military and State Department contractor helping to execute the global war on terror.”

Still waiting to hear how many informants the FBI had inside Energy Transfer Partners and TigerSwan to make sure they weren’t breaking laws.

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